The Parish Church of

St James the Great



The United Benefice of Chapelthorpe and Woolley

with West Bretton



Lifelong FaithConfirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you say the promises for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live your life as a Christian.  This affirmation (promise) is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus.

This year Confirmations within the benefice will be held at St James' on Sunday 25th June 2023 at 11am. Bishop Tony Robinson, The Episcopal Bishop of Wakefield will confirm those who are wanting to take the next step in the Faith journey.

Below are some questions that may help you to decide if you want to be Confirmed.

What is the right age for confirmation?

There is no right age for a person to be confirmed. Anyone may be confirmed who has been baptised, if they are old enough to answer responsibly for themselves.  As a general rule anyone who is over 10 years old and can answer for themselves could be ready for confirmation but the right time for you might be at any age.

How can I tell if I am ready for confirmation?

People mature in their faith in different ways and at different ages. It is important that you come to Confirmation with firm personal conviction that it is right for you at this point in your life. You should pray about this and ask others in your church to pray for you. You will then be asked to attend Confirmation Classes where along with others who are thinking about Confirmation you will explore together your faith.  These classes are held once a year and are very relaxed and informal, usually in the Diodge Harrison Suite at St James' Church.

I was baptised as a child, why do I need to be confirmed?

If you were Baptised as a child, in Confirmation, you are confirming the promises your parents made on your behalf at your baptism about your commitment to a journey of faith. In confirming this faith you are becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family. In turn the Church will promise to support and pray for you.

In confirmation we recall the promises made at baptism, we are thanking God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledging his love. We are acknowledging that we all need to turn away from selfishness and evil and to accept God's offer of a new start.

What if I wasn't baptised as a child?

If you were not baptised as a child and want to make a commitment of faith, you might consider adult baptism or you can be baptised and confirmed in the same service or baptised shortly before your confirmation. 

What does it cost?

A confirmation service is free as it is a free gift from God.

If you are wanting to grow in your faith and want to be Confirmed please speak in the first instance to The Reverend Kevin Greaves after the Eucharist for an informal chat.

Tuesday 22nd October
9:30am - 10:45am -
1:45pm - 3:00pm -
Wednesday 23rd October
10:30am - 12:10pm -
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